Monday, September 3, 2012

Review of Erin Allen Brower, Counselor, MA, LMHC, CE

Front Street Clinic
2800 East Madison 
Suite #303
Seattle,  Washington  98122 

(206) 535-1382

Ms. Brower was a straight therapist at the Seattle Counseling Service For Sexual Minorities
I will review that place in a future post. It is difficult to separate Ms. Brower from SCCSM, but I feel it is better to detail her personal abilities before tackling an agency that produced her. She makes claims that she specializes in serving the LGBTQ community members, and, I don't know about you, but that sounds like a male therapist saying he specializes in "women's " psychological issues makes him specially qualified simply because he sees women in his practice. Ms. Brower has no more knowledge of LGBTQ folks than a man has about women or a white woman has of a black woman. There may be some understanding, but they can never know what it is like to be queer, or transgender etc.. That is my opinion of Ms. Brower. She likes to help white, financially well off women learn how to care for their babies by hand holding them when they "Bring Home Baby."(See her website). That's a breeder if I ever met one. Yack. I am sure poor women never get her help with their babies, and they are the ones who really need that help. I know this, because I was a professional labor doula for pregnant women for 10 years. Yes, I helped breeders. But mostly the poor, non-white immigrant ones who were alone and needed a kind face and someone to rely on. I know what it means to be an advocate for the vulnerable. Payment, even though I was poor, was not a consideration for me in who I helped. 

You see, the first therapist I reviewed, Mr. Jarred Lathrop-Weber, is also a product of the ill-conceived and misguided management of of SCSSM, a place for newly minted therapists to do their practicum and use the financially vulnerable as lab rats for their self-improvement. In Mr. Lathrop-Weber's case, he told me he hated that place, but he obviously did not use that knowledge to change his practices when it comes to sensitively handling clients who are financially and mentally vulnerable. He is also acquainted with Ms. Brower, much to my dismay. 

So, let us get to the review. I met this therapist after seeing two other therapists at this agency whose names I cannot remember.  One of those two was a newly out of school, and simply asked me each week, "So, what would you like to discuss today?" The other was intimidated by me when I told her, in her questioning what my fears were, that I worried she would not be smart enough to be my therapist. She got pissed when I did not want to do her "homework" assignments and dropped me and I was then assigned Ms. Brower as my therapist. Her therapy consisted of asking me what I thought would improve my life. At the time, I was having career launching issues after attending professional graduate school, and serious problems in my relationship of 11 years, due to being pressured by my partner to achieve my goals and thus land said partner a big financial payoff. I knew what would improve my life, but I could not make it happen. When that did not come to fruition, despite all of my hard work, I was in deep distress, and developed agoraphobia, new symptoms of what they thought was Borderline Personality Disorder, that I did not have previously, and still am doubtful about. My main diagnoses (firmly) are generalized anxiety disorder, and major to dysthymic depression. I am highly functional when my life is organized, my social network is working and I have enough money. As a matter of fact, I am almost symptom free when the money flows relatively freely (don't need to be rich, just enough to do the things in life I want to do and not worry). I have worked successfully through many difficult academic programs and am quite gifted. My physical disabilities have caused me to be mostly unemployable  and my education makes me overqualified for many people in considering me for positions I CAN perform. 

So, back to my review. Ms. Brower kept telling me that she could not help me. I was stuck. Nothing was moving forward in my life, so the resolution of a satisfying relationship and career were not happening for me, so she and her supervisor decided to shunt me off to a clinic that did Dialectical Behavioral Therapy,(typically for people with Borderline Personality Disorder) for very low -functioning patients. For example, they said that "perhaps" I could begin to work after a year in the program. I checked it out, but went back and told Brower that I was not interested and did not think this would help me since I needed to jump-start my career immediately and my marriage needed to be rehabilitated right now. So she and her supervisor, met with me, told me that since I would not go to the program, they were kicking me out of therapy. 

So there I was, vulnerable, no where to turn, and trying to deal with my troubles. Several months later, my marriage was ending, I called my primary doctor and asked her if I she could assist me in checking into the hospital for suicidality. I was very distraught, but rational, responsible and not whacked out. I was being put onto the street, no money, no support, no job. Because my doc did not know how to deal with mental health issues involving admission for depression, she called a number she was supposed to call, and since I was on medicaid, and medicaid assigns a therapist once you are in the system to shunt all your crap to, they called Ms. Brower, the one who had dumped me months earlier? I guess she was still listed as my "official" therapist of record. She called and asked me, "Are you suicidal?" I said "Fuck you!" and then "Yes, why do you care?" and hung up. So that alone gave her the authority to send police and an ambulance to break down my door, take me out of my home against my will, and shackle me to a gurney in the hallway of the emergency room of Harborview Hospital for seven HOURS! No one cared for me, no one checked on me, no one came to see me. I had no privacy and no care. I had my cell phone with me, and called the inpatient psych ward and told them that there I sat, that I was not suicidal (I was) and that I should be let go. They sent out an elderly psychiatrist who asked me three questions and released me. Wow, how well the system worked. I was traumatized, abused, and not helped by anyone. Did Erin call to follow up? No. What an asshole. So much for my decorum on this forum. Do I recommend her for ANYTHING AT ALL??? NO! Not unless you want to overpay an emotionless breeder who thinks that rich women need instruction in how to care for their damn babies, who are already going to be in expensive onesies and an overpaid college education and then come home to live with their parents. And they thought I had problems. I don't begrudge anyone an education, as I have one myself, but no one planned for mine, much less supported me through it. I just am baffled by the allocation of resources. It boggles my mind that a spoiled and well off straight white woman would even be able to look anyone in the eye after what she did to me. And the fact that she worked her program at a clinic for poor mental health clients, and now does NOTHING to help that community is a slap in the face. What a monster. It's not active hate that hurts our community, but apathy toward the vulnerable. Erin Brower is an enemy of the LGBTQ community, not an advocate. Just because you can tolerate a population, and think you know something about them does not mean you are an ally. I was not supported by her in any way and I was the most vulnerable I could be. SHAME! SHAME! SHAME! Erin Allen Brower. You are contemptible. 


  1. Erin Allen Brower,My experience with Erin was good.She worked with me on some really hard issues.Stuff that I was afraid to work on. I felt safe with her.I want to thank the time I thought I was going to go crazy if I felt such pain going through some issues...but I didn't.I worked on saying how I felt...well using the feeling know the the round faces showing different emotions well that worked for me....practiced.At the time when she left the agency I was angry &sad.I know now that it was time to take the training wheels off&go.Today I work with another good therapist. I am gender queer I changed my name to Alex &I try to continue to work on myself.;-)

  2. Sorry you didn't have a good experience...

  3. Hey, glad you are doing better, but what would you have done if the director of the clinice and Erin kicked you out of therapy when you were not ready to be done, or when you thought what they were doing was wrong? I do not have borderline personality disorder, and in no way do I want to ever ever kill myself. I think at the time I was just desperate for someone to care...and no one did. And I can never go back there, because they kicked me out of therapy. I lost my marriage to my wife and my daughter and became a recluse with agoraphobia for 5 years, until someone came into my life and understood me. No more crap, no more hating of myself and no more people in my life who were false, insincere and not helpful. I ended so many relationships you cannot even understand, and now I live a real life, with few friends and much love. I hope you have the same, and I hope Erin Brower realizes how fucked up she is when it comes to handling clients who are in crisis, during and after therapy. What she does now offends me, as someone who has provided serious help to women in desired and undesired pregnancy...Erin Brower just makes money on an easy out...tiny anxiety for parents with a lot of money. I feel sorry for her.

  4. Just one more additional comment. With the help of my internist, who now handles controlling my anxiety medication, sleeping medication and pain medication, we have concluded that I was NOT depressed...not for years. I just had a really shitty life. I just wanted someone to care, and the current philosophy in psychology is that every person must count only on oneself to help oneself and to be ok by oneself. That is called solitary confinement in prison and makes people lose their minds. So I am not sure why psychology believes that each person can be and only depend on oneself for life to be full of life with only the input from oneself: i think this is INSANE. We all need someone, and sometimes all you have is yourself and your therapist. When the therapist cannot be available to a person in crisis, it is lamentable and sad, and only leaves the client in a deeper feeling of abandonment and disbelief in one's ability to move ahead through horrible circumstances. Patients of psychotherapy are frequently going through crisis, such as when I was having my partner leave me when I was in the middle of bar exams, I was quite unable to logically just "handle" things and needed someone who could be supportive n all my negativity. Instead, I was labeled as having Borderline Personality Disorder, when, in reality, I had ptsd symptoms of recurring suicidal thoughts that never really come to fruition. I just wanted my pain to end, and I was not depressed, I was sd, and my life was shitty and that was what was happening to me. So "Fuck YOU," to Erin Brower who just did not do her job, and never even cared to get to know me. My main issues were abandonment and anxiety, and the psychiatrist got me hooked on benzos, which I have to take for the rest of my life, instead of learning new coping mechanisms for anxiety issues and dealing with them. If I had known how benzos would eventually be something I had to take, like insulin is for diabetes, I would never have started them..or so I would like to think.

    I just really think, as a person of intellect, that sending me to a class for Borderline Personality Disorder, with the recommendations that I not even try to work for about 2 years when I was fighting to take the bar exam and start working as a lawyer, is just insane. Erin Brower should not be practicing...nor should the director of the LGBTQ counsleing center be allowed to just shove me out the door because things were not working with their agenda be the way things are. I will forever be damaged and not want to seek therapy because of what they did to me. Fuck them.

  5. I'm noticing a pattern:
    "that I worried she would not be smart enough to be my therapist"
    "I did not want to do her "homework" assignments"
    "as a person of intellect"
    I think there's something going on here that you aren't addressing.

    I really don't want to believe that what you described is possible but some mental health professionals definitely cross lines with what they think is right.
    Also, isn't it illegal to be denied employment specifically because of disabilities? (ADA and all) That's pretty fucked.

  6. Yes, You have a list that denotes a pattern, but what is the pattern telling you, exactly? You can't can't play "guess what I mean" writing.Tell me, in exact detail what you think is happening? Am I lost because I believe my intellect was important in my therapy with therapists who were less able to understand my sentences? What is it you are truly indicating with this list of a "pattern."

  7. I think you know exactly what I mean. I'm leaving it at that. I hope any future experiences with a therapist work out better.

  8. Actually, I don't know what you mean. I use speech and writing to try to understand the world and others. You make a list, make an inference and nothing about that is clear to me. If you refuse to participate and engage in clear communication, then I will delete your entry. I sincerely want you to tell me what you mean. I won't be having ANY experiences with therapists again, because I do not go to see them. I have friends, and we discuss things and I write about these things. This blog was written from an innate anger that made me want to tell people what happens to poor people, because if I had had money, this never would have happened, and I have gotten proper care and not been misdiagnosed with borderline personality disorder. I do not and never have had this disorder. I have severe PTSD and Agoraphobia caused by circumstances that were very severe. so , yes, I do need to understand what you think you understand about me and what those patterns mean. Please explain yourself, Kamboople, because you are NOT unknown...and never will be.

  9. I’ve worked with Erin before and I thought she was pretty good. She was at SCS at the time, which I agree is a kinda crappy place, but she was a real deal, tell-you-like-it-is therapist. She’s definitely not the kind of therapist you go to if you just want to complain for 45min. She expects you to do the work and if you aren’t willing to make an effort to change, she will drop you as a client. And honestly, she should. It’s exploitive of a therapist to continue taking your money if they believe they aren’t going to help you with further treatment.
    I saw her very briefly for couples therapy, and she basically told me, that unless I myself was stable, she couldn’t treat us as a couple. I was bummed at the time, but I’m thankful for her honesty and it prompted me to get treatment for myself. She could’ve kept taking our money and nodding empathetically week after week as my relationship fell apart, but she was honest and I respect that. I’ve known numerous people who also highly recommend her, which is why she has a super long wait list.

    Erin is not the kind of therapist who is going to wave a magic wand and make your life better. YOU actually have to do the work and be willing to change. Your post sounds like you were unwilling to do that and considered yourself above the homework assignments she recommended, so I’m not sure what you expected her to do? Keep taking your money and waste your time (and hers) knowing you weren’t willing to do the things she suggested? Your comment “...and in no way do I want to ever ever kill myself. I think at the time I was just desperate for someone to care...and no one did.” That actually sounds pretty spot-on for someone with BPD, so I don’t think it was unreasonable for her or SCS to think that. It sounds like she tried everything she could and referred you to a place that she thought could bring about positive change in your life.
    Yes, it might have been nice for her to follow-up after the hospitalization, but if your response to her call was “fuck you” and hanging up, and then lying to the “elderly psychiatrist” on staff (super ageist btw) and saying you weren’t suicidal when you admittedly were, I’m not sure how her reaching out would’ve been helpful. Also, if you tell any therapist or medical professional that you are suicidal and then hang up, they are legally obligated to call the police (even if they aren’t actively seeing you as a patient), so she did exactly what she should in that circumstance.

    It sounds like she just wasn’t the right therapist for you, and that’s okay, but this review feels a bit unfair. You are entitled to your opinion, but calling her a “breeder” and saying she’s not an advocate of the LGBTQ community are some pretty big accusations, and nothing in your review led me to think that any of her responses were in any way related to your sexuality/gender.
